Team Roles and Responsibilities


Strategy Team

Build Team

Programming Team

Logistics Team

Communications/Marketing Team

Fundraising/Business Team


Strategy Team

Build Team

Programming Team

Logistics Team

Communications/Marketing Team

Fundraising/Business Team


@Valus Valoo

@Valus Valoo

@Valus Valoo

@Valus Valoo

@Valus Valoo

@Valus Valoo

Responsibilities of Team

Decides features of the robot and how its going to be used to win the game. Tests and verifies the features of the robot and program when its delivered.

Assembles the robot according to the plan.

Programs the robot according to the plan. Maintains source control of the code. Uploads the code to the robot. Tests and verifies the code functionality.

Organization, documentation, administration, delivery, sorting. Creates high level plan for development of robot and programming.

Recruit team members. Develop team theme. Spread information and interest in FTC.

Find sponsors. Apply for grants.