Pre Season Drivetrain Testing Exercise, Brought to you by Dragomight Industries


@Valus Valoo (Unlicensed)

Requirement(s) Addressed by Feature

The team requires experience with drivetrain testing


The team will test different drivetrain implementations: e.g. tracks, mechanum, and standard wheels.

Tested Attributes

  1. Time from point A to point B

    1. Time

    2. Collisions

    3. Stuck

    4. Critically stuck

    5. Ease of driving on a scale from 0 to 10

  2. Time to top speed and Maneuverability

    1. Time to top speed

    2. Ease of turning at top speed on a scale from 0 to 10

  3. Rotation time and accuracy

    1. Time to rotate 360, 270, 180, 90

    2. Accuracy for each

  4. High score for pushboting

    1. Score

    2. Cones deposited into far corner

    3. Cones deposited into near corner

    4. Game elements moved out of play

    5. Ease of block manipulation on a scale from 0 to 10
